Throwback Thursday Landy
Throwback Thursday Landy
Random Ramblings of funDiva Christy Hoffman
Throwback Thursday Landy
Gabe Landeskog was fan voted into the NHL All Star Game, thus sending our entire top line to the NHL All Star Game. (MacKinnon and Rantanen were already selected) This random question on reddit sparked my interest: When was the Continue reading Mackstreet-Boys-will-Perform-at-NHL-All-Star-Game
Books read so far in 2021 – You have read 262 of 120 books in 2020 – You have read 162 of 104 books in 2019 – You have read 142 of 52 books in 2018 – Continue reading Books
Ten Weeks 7/7, Five Weeks 6/7 and Two Weeks 5/7 for a total of 110/119 = 92.4% My goal is hit at least 6/7 every week which would be 85.7% so for this quarter I am ahead. My ideal goal Continue reading Fitness Tracking Aug-Dec 2018
Free Work Cycles – online productivity group.
Name the Vegetable, then the Math Symbol (or Greek Letter) = ??? This was a last-minute costume, my Toastmasters group decided with a weeks notice to encourage dressing up, and I had the end of Ultraworking Pentathlon so I kept Continue reading Halloween-2018
Final draft – spreadsheet tracking of my two week Ultraworking Pentathlon metrics. Click here to see the full size picture
update for my 10k friends typing with one hand please excuse punctuation and caps went to doctor direct from airport, he did not do xray – he said hairline fracture will not show up on xray so if it still Continue reading 10k-update
Dear SendGrid, After lots of research and looking at more than a dozen options for starting my new newsletter, I was really excited to choose SendGrid. Knowing that I was just starting out, I was delighted that you offered a Continue reading Dear SendGrid