Farewell Newsletter


You’re probably scratching your head wondering why you’ve never
heard from me. Or you don’t even know who I am or remember
signing up for this list!

Here’s a reminder: http://csj.funDiva.com


I’ve created a dilly of a pickle for myself. I wanted to invite
you to my new list because I have to discontinue using aweber.
(Nothing dramatic but it’s funny story if you want to know why)

But due to technical difficulties with the new list service it’s
not ready, I made it more complicated, and it is totally my bad
for not discovering this sooner.

I believe the Universe connected us for a reason and I would love
to stay connected, so here’s TWO options from best to worst:

1) Connect with me personally and I’ll keep you in the loop when
I get things sorted out

Email – (reply to the list email)

Or friend me at one of my many social networking sites (it
would be super if you include a note “from funDiva list”)

Top Choice – Facebook: http://facebook.com/funDiva
A laundry list of others: http://fundiva.wordpress.com/wheres-fundiva/

2) Ignore this completely and you won’t hear from me after
Saturday May 10th 2008 or unsubscribe yourself right now

If you liked the Seminar Junkie Audio, I’m going to do more stuff
like that, and would love to have you along for the fun. This
has been a great lesson for me, so if you’re interested in
marketing, I’ll do another teleclass on what you can learn from
my mistakes!

And if this is goodbye for you, farewell and I wish you
happiness and continued success.

Be Happy!

funDiva Christy